Unquenchable Fire: Education as a Form of Dialogue

The success of human activity is possible only when the personality has the opportunity to develop artistically. In this case the spiritual culture of a person is formed, his creative abilities, creativity, creative potential begin to develop. This allows to emphasize once again and note that art education is aimed at the formation of the culture of perception of the surrounding world and oneself in this world, helps a person to self-improve and self-develop, teaches to perceive the world in all its diversity and multicolority.

Art education today is actively developing, it is in demand, because the art, communication with which is the basis of art education, has a great educational value, and languages and methods of art help in learning a huge amount of information, increasing the emotional richness of its content. Considering the statement that tasks and functions of education and art are similar, it can be argued that combining these spheres of human cultural activity will enhance both education and art.

In this regard, in our view, it seems interesting to consider that there is a scientific and artistic way of knowing the world. Researchers note that the scientific way of cognition involves comprehension of the content of the subject, which results in knowledge associated with human understanding of the world, its phenomena and patterns of development. Speaking about the artistic way of cognition, we mean living or experiencing its content, the result of which becomes the emotional-valuable attitude of a person to the world.

Thus, it is impossible to study the subject comprehensively and holistically only by means of science, because science cannot study and analyze this subject in the process of continuous creative evolution. That is why when posing and solving any atypical creative tasks it is necessary to use the skills of figurative thinking formed in the process of mastering art, which fosters imagination and intuitive (unscientific) ways of getting to the essence of things (emotions, feelings, etc.). Because only through art is it possible to convey the inexpressible, that which passes into the realm of the inexpressible feeling. It is the development of emotions at certain stages of the formation of the personality affects the development of the intellect.

Studying the phenomenon of art education, it is important to note such an important component of it as “creativity”.

The problem of creativity is most often studied from philosophical and psychological positions. If we consider creativity in the works of philosophers , we can note that most often they combined the process of creativity with the unconscious work of thought.

Psychologists consider creativity as psychological process of construction of the new and as unity of properties of the personality at its entrance in this process (K.V. Taylor and others). Therefore it is possible to speak about creativity as the highest activity of a person in activity.

Setting and solving creative tasks in the conditions of modern development of society is a necessary component of modernization of all aspects of life and quality of life of the whole nation and each person.

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